The “Mitts for Kids—Helping Hands” campaign, a tradition first started here in 2000, will continue this holiday season with current organizer Melissa Gushulak at the helm for a third year.
As in previous years, the public is encouraged to donate new hand-made or store-bought mitts, winter hats, and scarves to “Mitts for Kids,” which, in turn, will give them to the local Salvation Army for its Christmas hampers.
If there’s enough, leftover items will be donated to district schools for “mitt kits” (i.e., spare mitts kids can use if they forgot theirs at home or don’t have any).
People also can give cash, which will be used to buy mitts.
Gushulak said yesterday that all the cash donation boxes will be out at various locations around town by this weekend while the Fort Frances Chamber of Commerce office again will serve as a drop-off location for mitts, hats, and scarves.
Gushulak also has a plentiful supply of wool, so anyone who wants to knit mittens can give her a call and get some wool to work with.
Besides having drop boxes out, Gushulak and 2007 Fun in the Sun Queen Holly Strain, First Princess Paula Vangel, and Second Princess Rachel Dutton will be taking part in the 50th-annual “Parade of Lights” on Saturday, Nov. 24 to collect cash and mitten donations.
The “Mitts for Kids” drive has to be wrapped up by the first week of December—in time for the Salvation Army to put together its Christmas hampers.
Anyone wanting to donate or knit hand-made or store-bought mittens, hats, or scarves, to make a cash donation, or to help in any other way can call Gushulak at 275-8526 (before 8 p.m.) and 274-5206 (after 8 p.m.)