Mayor to seek airport help

Duane Hicks

Fort Frances Mayor Roy Avis will join other regional leaders in getting the chance to bend the ear of federal Transport minister Denis Lebel tomorrow during the grand-opening of the new Red Lake Airport terminal building.
The town received an invitation to the grand-opening, and subsequent meeting with Lebel, from Kenora MP Greg Rickford.
Members of administration and council said Monday evening that the meeting will be an opportunity to let Lebel know about the financial difficulties of running an airport in Northwestern Ontario.
“I think someone should go because the airport and the way we operate it, and the way that business is changing, it’s probably good to hear from the horse’s mouth, so to speak,” reasoned Operations and Facilities manager Doug Brown.
He added if Mayor Avis couldn’t make it to Red Lake, he would go instead.
“I think all the airports in the area are having a tough time because the volume of traffic is down,” Brown remarked. “I don’t think there’s any airport in Northwestern Ontario that actually makes a profit now.
“It’s all costing the taxpayers,” he stressed.
“Shouldn’t all of the municipalities in the Rainy River District be putting forward to the federal minister of transportation that under the present system of running airports, we’re not going to be sustainable much longer the way it is?” asked Coun. Ken Perry.
“Shouldn’t they know that? Shouldn’t we press that upon them?” he wondered.
“I think this is one of the reasons that he [Rickford] wants to get as many major municipalities in Northwestern Ontario together,” said Mayor Avis.
“Most of them are in his region, we’re the only municipality not covered in his jurisdiction,” the mayor added.
“I thought it was nice we were invited. If something came up, we would be able to discuss it with him and he could support our thoughts.”
Coun. Sharon Tibbs said Rickford should know that council appreciates being “on the guest list,” even though he is not Fort Frances’ federal rep.
As a side note, Coun. John Albanese noted Rickford also helped the town get funding for the new Fort Frances Public Library Technology Centre.
Mayor Avis noted he’s had quite a bit of communication with Rickford and anytime there’s business to do with FedNor, for example, he is there to help Fort Frances.
Brown added Rickford also helped Fort Frances get the grant for the new wildlife control fence at the local airport.