March fun in the Toddler Room

March was a busy month for the Toddler Room at the Fort Frances Children’s Complex.
Themes during March were Big and Little, Spring Break Fun, Spring, and Weather. To coincide with the Big and Little theme, we discussed big and little during all areas of the program.
We took big and little steps, glued big and little objects, and during language arts activities, we discussed big and little, matched big and little objects, and listened to stories about the theme.
The Muskie junior cheerleaders visited March 9 to perform a gymnastics display for the toddlers, pre-schoolers, and the school-age children.
We would like to thank the junior cheerleaders who participated, and one of their coaches, Janice Gushulak, for taking time out of their busy schedules to perform for us.
The children were very impressed.
Spring Break was a very busy week in the Toddler Room. We all wore a special hat on Hat Day and each child decorated a crown to wear. During Hawaii Day, children brought their bathing suits and had a great time “swimming” in the pool indoors.
We also had a picnic lunch in our room.
On the Wednesday, we had an ABC party. Each child dressed in a costume, and had their faces painted. Part of the party activities included bobbing for donuts and playing “Give Cookie Monster a Cookie.”
The Thursday was Movie and Pyjama Day. The children wore their pyjamas to day care and watched a favourite Barney and Winnie the Pooh movie through the day.
They also made “Gorp” for afternoon snack, which they enjoyed while watching one of the movies.
Of course, the Friday was Green Day. And in honour of St. Patrick’s Day, we wore green and did sponge painting with green shamrocks.
The children helped decorate our room for spring by colouring pictures for mobiles and making “stained glass” suns and flowers for our windows. They are very proud of their decorations, and enjoy showing their parents their works of art.
With the arrival of spring and warmer weather, the children have enjoyed many springtime activities outdoors, such as chasing bubbles, chalk drawing on the sidewalk, playing in the sandbox, and riding tricycles and other riding toys.
We have started planting activities, and are looking forward to flying kites and going on buggy rides in the neighbourhood in April to see the changes that come with spring.
If you are interested in learning more about the Toddler program, or any other program at the Children’s Complex, contact Phyllis Kellar at 274-5457.