Lock your vehicle: OPP

The Rainy River District detachment of the OPP would like to remind the public of the importance of locking their vehicle.
Many people feel it is safe to leave their unattended vehicle running, either to warm it up or because they will only be out of it for a minute running an errand.
This is a dangerous habit to get into. An unattended running vehicle is an open invitation for someone to steal it.
It is never a good idea to leave your unattended vehicle unlocked. If you have to leave valuables in it, ensure they are out of sight and your vehicle locked.
Meanwhile, calendar parking is in full swing within the Town of Fort Frances. Remember even-side parking on even days and odd-side on odd days.
This helps the town in snow removal that enhances all our safety.
The OPP also has received complaints regarding vehicles parked along the 500 block of King’s Highway while drivers run in and frequent local businesses.
“Parking” is defined as any stopping other than to load and unload passengers. Please adhere to all no parking signs within the Town of Fort Frances.