Local library raffle not like other ones

With the draw date coming up Feb. 23, tickets sales are off and running for the “elimination raffle” in support of the “Building for the Future” fundraising campaign.
“These tickets are great Christmas gift ideas,” campaign chair Mark Kowalchuk said last Thursday.
“People are already buying multiple tickets, both to increase their chances of winning and as gifts for family and friends,” he noted.
The tickets, which cost $50 each, are on sale now at the Fort Frances Public Library, Fort Frances General Supply, and the Memorial Sports Centre.
A total of 1,000 tickets will be sold, with 20 prizes eligible to be won.
The draws all will take place Feb. 23 during a fundraiser evening, including a live band and attendance prizes, at the Memorial Sports Centre auditorium.
Because an “elimination raffle” is a little different from other raffles held locally, Kowalchuk explained how it will work.
It is called an “elimination raffle” because every ticket will be drawn. Tickets will be drawn in batches of 50, with the 50th from each batch winning the prize allocated for that batch (the winning ticket and the 49 before it will not be included in the next batch).
With 20 prizes up for grabs, that means 20 batches of 50 tickets will be drawn over the course of the evening.
“Contrary to a typical raffle in which you usually want your ticket to be the first one drawn, an elimination is different in that you want your ticket to remain in the drum until a particular prize is drawn or until the final ticket is drawn for the grand prize,” said Kowalchuk.
“As well, in a typical raffle, once the first ticket(s) is/are drawn, all those tickets still in the drum are all losers,” he added.
“Should all 1,000 tickets not be sold—we do not think that this will be the case—the frequency of winning tickets pulled will be based upon the total number of tickets sold.
“With all tickets sold, ticket-holders enjoy a chance of winning at 1 in 50 chances.
“The raffle is good because as the tickets are drawn, you work your way up the prize list,” Kowalchuk continued. “Excitement builds as people realize that they are still in-the-running as long as their ticket has not been drawn.
“Each ticket drawn is eliminated as prizes are awarded on our way up the list.”
The prizes will range from cash prizes of $10,000, $7,000, and $3,000 to a 32” LCD TV, laptop computer, gold chain, leather recliner, a home theatre system, handheld GPS, landscaping package, patio furniture, and a Nintendo Wii.
The raffle is sponsored by “The Friends of the Library” in support of the “Building for the Future” fundraising campaign for the proposed new library here.
In related news, the “Building for the Future” fundraising campaign is reminding the public that the end of the 2007 tax year is coming up soon, and is more heavily promoting that now is the right time to donate towards the building of the new library.
People can look at a five-year commitment when giving (whether they give it all at once, right up front, or whether they spread it out) and to donate what they feel is feasible or possible for them based on that criteria.
Payment options, like Mastercard, VISA, or automatic deductions from your paycheque, are available.
All donations over $25 will be issued a tax receipt.
Those who want to give should call the library at 274-9879 or drop by in person to get a pledge card.