A group of local entrepreneurs stepped in to take the reins of the local abattoir project at last night’s meeting in Barwick, keeping alive the hopes of having a kill-plant built in the district.
Telford Advent, chair of the abattoir steering committee, said the group, who are remaining anonymous so far, has agreed to cover the local cost of the abattoir outside of what the community raises.
This group also announced its intentions to attach a processing facility and a feedlot.
“It adds a whole new dimension to this,” Advent said, noting the addition of the feedlot would give the abattoir a guaranteed supply of animals.
“And the farmers could put their animals there to custom feed them,” he added. “We [at last night’s meeting] support this move by this group of investors.”
Advent said the investors wish to remain “low key” until they have had a chance to put together their own business plan and hold a public meeting of their own. But he stressed they were definitely locals.
Either way, local farmers seemed pleased with what they saw.
“Some of the farmers came to me after the meeting and said now they’ve got a plan,” Advent said. “They came up and pledged after the meeting.”
More than $100,000 in pledges were collected at last night’s meeting outside of the investors’ promise to finance the project.
“Just because people haven’t put their pledges in [doesn’t mean they can’t still],” Advent said. “We’re still looking for local investors.”
Just when the group of entrepreneurs will complete their plan remains unknown. Even though they have access to all the abattoir steering committee’s work, Advent said it will take them a while to polish off the details for the feedlot.
“I feel optimistic [the community] will support it,” he added. “The result of an abattoir in the area adds value to your farm.”