Press Release
The Br. #29 Legion Ladies Auxiliary met last Wednesday (Jan. 13) for their first meeting of 2010.
President Silvia Gunderson chaired the meeting, with 34 members present.
The charter was draped in honour of recently-deceased member Edla Orwick, who was a 46-year member.
Sgt.-at-Arms Yvonne Chambers reported the Colour Party had marched in the Christmas parade over in International Falls.
In other news, membership chair Linda Larocque brought forward the name of Christine McDougall for membership, which was accepted.
Meanwhile, Delores Cross reported that flowers and cards were sent to auxiliary members who have been ill or undergone surgery.
First vice-president Alfreda Easton is taking names of members who wish to attend the district meeting coming up March 26-28 in Dryden, with the theme being “The ’50s.”
Contact Alfreda if you would like to go.
Donations were approved to Riverside Health Care Facilities, Inc. for its BIBAP equipment fundraiser, as well as to the provincial scholarship fund and the RCL Sports Foundation (camp for kids).
Auxiliary members will deliver Meals on Wheels during the week of May 17-21, and a decision was made that the Legion ladies will sponsor and work three Bingos this year at Rainycrest (dates to be determined).
Finally, the “Community Chest” dinner on Feb. 25 will be attended by president Silvia Gunderson.
The birthday draw was won by Martha Shute, the attendance draw by Jane McLeod, and the membership early-bird draw by Lise Aucoin.
A reminder that the Legion ladies are hosting a cutlet supper this Friday (Jan. 22) starting at 5:30 p.m. upstairs at the Legion Hall.
The cost is $13/person and everyone is welcome!
Any ladies interested in joining the Legion auxiliary is asked to contact Linda Larocque at 486-3698.
Membership in the auxiliary no longer is restricted to relatives of veterans.