Landowner seeks rezoning to allow for multi-residential development


An application to rezone a piece of residential land is making its way through council. The owner of 1527 Sunset Drive has applied to change the property from Residential Type One (R1) to Residential Type Two (R2), which could remove one roadblock to a multi-residential development on the site.

The property lies to the west and south of 1525 Sunset Drive, which it was severed from in 2018. At that time, the lot’s minimum required frontage was also reduced from 15 metres to 12.19 metres.

The current zoning of R1 limits the use of the property to no more than three dwelling units. R2 could allow up to as many as five or six, depending on a number of site-specific factors, including site development, unit placement and serviceability, according to Chief Building Official John Burrows.

The application was the subject of a mandated public meeting during the August 14 council meeting, which allowed for public comment and questions from council. A final decision will be made at a future council meeting.

The landowner, David Petsnick, was on hand to promote the proposed R2 zoning.

“The subject property is currently vacant and located in a built, fully serviced residential area, and if rezoned will provide opportunity for residential intensification,” he wrote in the application. It was noted that rezoning would comply with section S.4.1.1.(c) of the Town’s official plan, which aims “to provide a variety of housing options to meet demands of present and future inhabitants of the Town with desired mix of low density (65 per cent), medium density (20 per cent) and high density (15 per cent.)”

One neighbour attended to speak out against the development. He noted that the main access to the east of the property is a private road, not a town access. Although he’s in support of building on the land, he objected to a multi-residential development, because he felt it wouldn’t fit in with the single-family nature of the neighbourhood.

Coun. Wendy Brunetta asked if municipal services could support a multi-residential development. According to Burrows, that would need to be assessed once a proposed plan comes forward. The matter at hand is strictly a zoning change. The land is currently serviced for municipal water and sewer, according to the By-law Zoning Amendment application. Any future development would require that the landowner provide the appropriate level of services to comply with the requirements of the project under all existing laws and zoning provisions, noted Burrows.

Anyone seeking information about this application can contact the Municipal Planner at 807-274-5323 ext 1216 or by e-mail at

Council will make a decision on the application at a future meeting. The next meeting of council takes place on September 11.