The Fort Frances Kiwanis Club has been given an honorable mention for its work running Sunny Cove Camp.
The honour officially will be presented July 5 to local Kiwanis rep Gord McTaggart at the International Kiwanis Convention in Montreal.
“It’s quite an achievement for our club,” noted secretary Cal Robertson.
Notified of the award last Thursday, Robertson said he was thrilled to hear the news.
“It was a great honor for the Fort Frances Kiwanis Club to be recognized, considering the competition is on a international scale,” he added.
“There’s a lot of Kiwanis Clubs out there.”
A prestigious award, four are handed out annually to Kiwanis Clubs that have shown exemplary work in charitable projects within one of four divisions (based on membership size).
The Fort Frances Kiwanis Club, with 29 members, falls into the smallest division, making it all the more impressive that it manages Sunny Cove Camp with relatively few members.
“It’s considered as very special . . . to be recognized out of a possible 8,300 clubs,” said Dr. Robert Lidkea, who was president during 1996-97, the year the club is being commended for.
While this is the first time the local club has been honoured at this level, it received an award on the Western Canada district level last year.