Kiwanis awaiting final auction tally

A final tally on proceeds from the 22nd-annual Kiwanis TV Auction, held Saturday afternoon on Videon Channel 11, won’t be known for another week or so as the local club wraps up some loose ends.
“I think [the proceeds] are close to $13,500 but that’s not our profit–we still have to pay the bills,” Kiwanian Stan Ward stressed yesterday.
“And we’re still waiting on a number of people to come and pick up their bids,” he added.
The total retail value of auction items on the bid tables Saturday totalled $26,000, Ward said.
A three-day weekend trip to Campfire Island on Rainy Lake, listed at $1,700, was the item with the highest retail value. Ward could not confirm what it went for.
Proceeds from the TV auction will help further Kiwanis Club projects, which centre around youth up to age 18. These include Sunny Cove Camp, Risk Watch, Fort Frances Youth Soccer, the Children’s Department at the Fort Frances Public Library, 4-H, the Salvation Army, the Better Baby Coalition, and three local bursaries.
The club also is a major sponsor of the annual Rainy River District Music and Drama Festival.