Inclusive regional car club gaining traction

By Daniel Adam
Staff Writer

Aric Supinski is inviting anyone who has a car they love to join Any Car Club. He started the group — an all-inclusive car club — so there would a place where all sorts of vehicles are welcome.

“It could be a motorcycle, minivan, SUV, any sort of car or truck,” said Supinski. “Basically, just as long as you’re passionate about it.”

He said Any Car Club isn’t what you might expect from a car meet.

“For myself, I drive a 2006 Chevrolet Impala. It’s not your typical show car, but that’s not really what I’m going for with this group,” he said. “I want to see anybody bring anything out.”

Supinski said he drew inspiration from a set of movies from his childhood.

“I grew up in the era when Fast and Furious was booming,” he said. “It’s been a dream of mine to see that here.”

Before the club officially started, Supinski said he and some friends had a few smaller car meets in the Tim Hortons parking lot once business had calmed down. One of Supinski’s friends recommended using social media to help the club grow.

“I figured if I want it to spread quick like wildfire, I think Facebook is probably the best place,” said Supinski.

The Fort Frances Any Car Club had its first official meet this past weekend. Aric Supinski — who started the group — used Facebook to spread the word, and the club has grown exponentially since. The group meets every second Saturday at the St. Francis Fields parking lot from 7 to 10:30 p.m. —Facebook photo

Since the Facebook group started about two weeks ago, 99 members have joined.

“People I’ve never even met are joining,” he said. “It’s good to see.”

Supinski said his goal was to spread the word and get the town involved. He said his favourite part has been seeing the rapid escalation of interest in the club.

With the number growing, Supinski needed to find a bigger location for the meet. He decided on the St. Francis Fields parking lot next to the high school.

“I figured we’re away from people, we’re not near houses, and it should be empty-ish around 7 p.m.,” he said. “We didn’t want to bother anybody. I’m making sure myself that people aren’t going to act atrocious and make noise and cause negative attention, because in the end, that’s not what car meets are about; they’re about bringing the community together.”

The meets have been every second Saturday from 7 to about 10:30 p.m., but as the group grows, Supinski said they may eventually move to every Saturday.

Though he said he hadn’t given it much thought, the club will likely be a seasonal meet, running from late spring to early fall.

To join the Club, find the Fort Frances Any Car Club on Facebook. Future meets will be posted there.