Holiday wants voters to think ‘Green’

While few would argue the environment shouldn’t be a concern, Jo Jo (Janis) Holiday, Green Party candidate for the Kenora-Rainy River riding, is hoping voters will realize they can makes changes for the betterment of the planet when they cast their ballots Oct. 10.
“After studying for my doctorate in Homeopathy and through my studies at the metaphysical level, I knew I needed to start advocating for the Great Mother Earth,” said the 43-year-old homeopathic healer with her own private practice in Kenora.
“We are a race of humans and we all need to collect ourselves for a clearer way of life and a healthier planet. This job is completely up to us,” she noted.
“Together we can fix the disasters in the world and make the planet a better place to live for the next thousands of generations. But change needs to take place,” she stressed.
“People need to be made aware of the choices they are making about their basic needs in life, such as food, shelter, and clothing,” said Holiday.
“These cover a large range of topics, including environmental awareness about those three main commodities, the wellness of the food, and the health of our communities.
“When I read the platforms of the Green Party of Ontario, I knew that this is where my voice could be heard,” she continued. “I am pleased, as well as thrilled, to be representing the Green Party in the provincial election.”
Holiday, who has her B.A. in Divinity from the University of Metaphysical Science, and is now working on her Master’s, also has been employed with the Keewatin Patricia School Board as an education assistant working with students with special needs for the past 10 years.
She still retains a part-time position with this board.
In her youth and early 20s, she competed and taught ballroom dancing professionally and now teaches evening group classes in Kenora.
Holiday is a single mother of two children, both of whom are healthy and vibrant. She has been a vegetarian for 20 years now, and passed on this lifestyle and awareness of food to her children.
Holiday leads an active lifestyle, regularly cycling to work and running with her dog.
She feels she’s blessed to live in the northern wilderness of the boreal forest and partake in its beauty by way of hiking as many times a week as possible (sometimes her dedicated runs take her sauntering through the forest).
Meditation and yoga also are important parts of her life, as well as breathing and promoting peace.