GEMS hold achievement night

The Calvinettes’ Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour (GEMS) held their annual achievement night last Tuesday at the Christian Reformed Church in Emo.
“The Perfect Nine” was their theme this year. As such, the Bible verse was taken from Galations 5:22 & 23: “But the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control. Against such things there is no law.”
The Discoverers and Advanced group (Grade 7/8) gave the banner description. Then all eight groups—Observers, Achievers, Seekers, Discoverers, Learners, Adventurers, Explorers, and Advanced—each presented articles for the program.
The leaders then presented their group with achievement awards they had earned during the year’s activities. After the program, a large decorated cake welcomed everyone in the fellowship hall, where refreshments were served.
During Spring Fever Days last weekend, the GEMS held their annual pancake and sausage fundraiser breakfast, which once again attracted a good turnout.
Leaders and parents attended to the kitchen duties while the GEMS made sure everyone was comfortable and served.
On Sunday, it was GEMS Day at the Christian Reformed Church. They served as greeters, recited the club’s aim, read the Ten Commandments for Children, took up the offering, and sang several songs, including “Jesus is All the World to Me,” “What Does the Lord Require of Us,” “The Fruits of the Spirit,” and “Such Joy.”
They were accompanied by organist Dianne Heerema and pianist Marie-Ann DeGroot.
Since “The Perfect Nine” was the theme for GEMS girls this year, they and their leaders have learned the Holy Spirit is at work in the lives of God’s children, producing His fruit in us.
His fruit consists of the nine Christ-like qualities—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
This year, GEMS clubs ministered to 21,000 girls, had 5,200 counsellors mentoring girls, published the SHINE Brightly magazine for 14,000 girls, and trained 3,000 counsellors.
GEMS also changed the lives of 183 early teens at “Get Connected Camp,” a life-defining summer camp staffed by college-age counsellors.