“Fun in the Sun” officially kicked off here last Saturday with the annual Mini-Queen contest and Culturama, but organizers still have a whole lot more in store for everyone in the days leading up to Canada Day.
“We’ve got some new things, which is always good, as well as some old favourites,” said Dawn Booth of the FITS committee.
“I think it’s something everyone should check out, whether it’s ‘Mall Day’ or the parade or the activities at [Pither’s] Point,” she added.
FITS will swing into high gear tomorrow with the Business Improvement Area’s “Mall Day” on Scott Street.
The day-long event not only will feature sidewalk and in-store sales by local merchants, but a cookie contest, a “Name that Tune” contest, lift rides by the Fort Frances Power Corp., a petting zoo, free hotdogs, snow cones, children’s crafts, mini-putt, clowns, balloons, and much, much more.
As well, children’s games and inflatables will be set up, along with a fundraiser barbecue and volleyball games at Pharmasave featuring this year’s FITS royalty contestants.
Also tomorrow, Knox United Church will hold its annual pie and dessert sale from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. while St. John’s Anglican Church hosts its annual fish-and-chips sale from 11 a.m.-6 p.m.
And tomorrow through Saturday, Kettle’s will have its annual live lobster boil from 4-9 p.m. each day. Cost is $40 per person.
The fun continues Friday with the Fort Frances Public Library’s annual Teddy Bear Picnic from 11:30-1:30 p.m. Children’s entertainer Rodney Brown will be dropping by at noon to sing a few songs.
Activities will heat up again Sunday with a teen dance from 5-9 p.m. at Warp 9, followed by a free show by comedienne Beth Donahue at 10:30 p.m. and then a “Music of the Eras” theme night until 2 a.m.
As always, FITS will culminate on Canada Day, which kicks off with the Legion Ladies’ Auxiliary’s pancake breakfast from 7-9 a.m. at the local Legion.
All children then are invited to bring their bikes and wagons to the old CN station at 10:30 a.m. for the Legion’s “kiddie parade.” Prizes will be available.
The actual Canada Day parade will start at 11 a.m. at the Fort Frances Volunteer Bureau (old CN station) and proceed down Scott Street to the Memorial Sports Centre.
Already confirmed to participate are the Bemidji High School marching band, the Rainy Lake and Fort Frances Highlanders, and several floats from local businesses as well as this year’s FITS royalty contestants.
This year’s theme is “Proud to be Canadian.” Cash prizes will be awarded for best overall float, best theme float, and best individual one.
The FITS committee also will be giving away ice cream and cookies during the parade.
If you would like to enter a float or participate in any way, call Booth at 274-5773.
After the parade, the focus turns to Pither’s Point Park, where children’s games and activities will be running all day, along with food booths and a pie sale.
The Fort Frances Aquanauts are organizing a “mile swim” on Sand Bay at 1 p.m., while “Krush” will play live from 1-2 p.m. Also keep an eye out for pony rides, courtesy of the Northern Ontario Therapeutic Riding Association.
Meanwhile, over at the Nanicost Grounds, the 14th-annual Indian Days pow-wow will run from 1-10 p.m.
The annual horseshoe tournament gets underway at the pits at 2 p.m., with a 50/50 Bingo also starting at this time at the Point. The ever-popular bathtub races get underway at 3:30 p.m.
The FITS royalty pageant wraps up Monday with the picnic basket auction at 3 p.m., followed by the crowning of this year’s king and queen at 5.
“Krush” once again will perform from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Point.
The grand finale to Canada Day—the fireworks display—is expected to light up the sky around 10 a.m. at Seven Oaks.
But adults who don’t want the night to end just then can always head back to Warp 9 for some more live music by “Krush,” starting at 11 p.m.