With some Ontario high schools now charging students extra fees for classes, where is the best place to get an opinion but from high school students.
“It’s a stupid idea,” said FFHS OAC student Mark Soderberg. “Some classes aren’t even worth paying for.”
“This is taking away our right to have a free quality education,” he argued. “Students should not have to pay for an education that the government should be offering for free.”
Local high school athletes also don’t think too much of the idea of charging for classes.
“It’s really sad that they are now charging money to go to school,” said Allison Hyatt, a Grade 12 student and Muskie senior volleyball player.
“We already have to pay for sports and look how expensive university is,” she reasoned. “High school should be the government’s responsibility.”
If this change comes about here, it more than likely would affect students under the new curriculum. So how do they feel about it?
“I don’t agree with it,” said 11th-grader Katie McCarthy. “High school is a privilege to us. They should not have the ability to charge us for it.
“What about the students who can’t afford the prices? They will therefore not have the same rights to an education,” she noted.