FFCBC sends out call for volunteers

Cathy Tovey could use a little more help.
The director of volunteers for the Fort Frances Canadian Bass Championship is issuing a community-wide request for anyone who wants to help make sure the July 17-23 event goes off without a hitch.
First and foremost, volunteers are needed to do boat checks in the morning and afternoon during the actual fishing tournament, which runs next Thursday through Saturday (July 21-23).
These people will be responsible for doing the first check of competitors’ boats before they take off fishing for the day, and again when they return off the lake before the weigh-ins.
Morning boat checks run from 5-7 a.m. while the afternoon ones go from 3-5 p.m.
Tovey added she also needs helping hands for site set-up and tear-down, “Daytime Land” (which boasts more activities this year than previously), and, for those with their “Smart Serve” cards, behind the bar during the week-long event.
People also are needed on-site during tournament week to sell “Bobber’s Penny Auction” tickets, as well as “Bass Bucks,” which can be used at the event venues.
Tovey added any high school student needing to fill their quota of community service hours are more than welcome to volunteer.
She said volunteers can give as much time as they can afford during the community event. As in previous years, those who sign up for at least four hours of work will get a gift pack, including a FFCBC T-shirt and “Bass Bucks.”
Tovey, who has volunteered at the FFCBC for the past nine years, and been a director for five, said she gets “a lot of satisfaction” out of giving her time year after year.
“It can be a lot of long hours, and a lot of work, but it’s also a lot of fun,” she remarked.
The FFCBC usually sees about 500 volunteers help out each year. Currently, about 350 people have come forward to donate their time.
Anyone wishing to volunteer should call 274-0316 so the appropriate number of gift packs for volunteers can be put together.
Tovey added anyone who has signed up to volunteer, but hasn’t been contacted by the FFCBC for confirmation, also are encouraged to call the phone number above.
Confirmed volunteers are listed on the FFCBC’s website at www.canadianbass.com