Canada Safeway is on the lookout for applicants to help with its next “We Care” campaign, with today being the last day to accept nominations.
Applications forms are available at customer service, and must be returned there before the store closes at 11 p.m. tonight.
Canada Safeway employee Vilma Valenzuela, who’s heading up the local store’s “We Care” campaign once again in 2007/08, said late yesterday a total of six applications have come in so far.
She noted the company has changed its focus from helping basically any non-profit group to adopting a specific individual with a disability or organization dealing with persons with disabilities, and the applications so far have fallen into either category.
Later this week, Safeway staff will look over the choices and vote as to who they would like to see chosen.
The voting process should be done by sometime Saturday, said Valenzuela, adding she’ll be contacting the successful applicant with the good news either that night or possibly Monday.
The store’s most recent adopted cause was the Riverside Foundation for Health Care’s “Just Imagine” campaign. The partnership brought in $24,131 to be used to buy a new CT scanner at La Verendrye Hospital here.
Since 1998, local Safeway employees have helped raise money for the Riverside Foundation for Health Care, Friends of the Library, Fort Frances Friends of Animals, the skate park, Crime Stoppers, and the “Community Chest.”