The comment period for the proposed Northern Ontario Growth Plan is ending, and those interested in reading and commenting on the plan should take this opportunity to go to
The deadline for input is Feb. 1.
As previously reported, the proposed growth plan establishes a strategic framework and sets out policies and action for how the Ontario government will engage, support, and work with northern communities, businesses, aboriginal communities, and public-sector partners over the next 25 years,
Key actions include:
•maximizing the economic benefit of increased mineral exploration and production, and strengthening the mineral industry cluster;
•strengthening partnerships among colleges, universities, and industry to support research, and to educate and train northerners for careers in growing fields;
•building a new relationship with aboriginal people to increase participation in the future economic growth of Northern Ontario and achieve better health status for aboriginal communities;
•creating regional economic zones to help communities plan collaboratively for their economic, labour market, infrastructure, land-use, cultural, and population needs;
•developing complete networks to support stronger communities, such as an inter-regional transportation network, enhanced broadband service, and a broader transmission network to increase capacity for renewable energy development; and
•encouraging development and use of “green” technologies and demonstrating leadership in “green” building, as well as water and energy conservation.