Crane operator hurt in Causeway mishap


A construction worker is recovering from minor, non-life threatening injuries to his lower leg after a crane toppled over at the Noden Causeway.
Rainy River District OPP and emergency services responded to the industrial accident, which occurred around midday yesterday as repairs to the westbound lanes of the Causeway continue.
The crane operator, 33, was using a boom to lift a cement slab when the crane became unstable and toppled over, emergency responders reported.
Ministry of Labour officials from Kenora have been notified and will be attending the site.
A larger crane will have to come in from Thunder Bay to upright the toppled one.
Traffic on the Noden Causeway is not affected by the incident.
Emergency responders also placed equipment in the water so any spillage from oil or gasoline will not enter into Rainy Lake.
The investigation is continuing, with the OPP stating further information will be released as it becomes available.