Town council will vote on a bylaw Monday night to decide whether local ratepayers will see a hike in their sewer and water rates effective July 1.
But this won’t happen until at least two presenters get to make their case regarding the proposed increases.
Christine Denby, first vice-president of the Fort Frances Chamber of Commerce, and Paul Noonan, co-owner of La Place Rendez-Vous, are scheduled to address council at its regular meeting Monday evening.
But if any more members of the public show up, they also will likely get a chance to speak on the proposed revisions to the rates, Clerk Glenn Treftlin said Monday morning.
As previously reported, the hike for this year, if passed, will see the residential water rate jump from $28.92/month to $30.37 and the sewer rate go from $25.52/month to $25.54.
The flat commercial water rate will go from $38.12 to $49.17 per month while the flat commercial sewer rate will rise from $33.64 to $41.36.
The metered commercial rate for water will go up from $0.69/cubic metre to $0.89 while the metered rate for sewer will change from $0.61/cubic metre to $0.75.
This will be followed by a second increase in January, 2006, where water and sewer rates for residents will jump to $30.74 and $25.60, respectively, while flat commercial rates will increase to $60.77 and $49.08, respectively.
Metered commercial water and sewer rates will rise to $1.10/cubic metre and $0.89/cubic metre, respectively.
Council will vote on Bylaw 11/04-D, a bylaw to amend Bylaw 11/04 (to impose water and sewer rates), following tonight’s delegations.
Other delegations at Monday night’s council meeting, which is scheduled to get underway at 6:15 p.m., will include:
•Treasurer Peggy Dupuis regarding two applications for tax cancellations, reductions, and refunds;
•Glenn Witherspoon, owner of Witherspoon’s One Stop, regarding the proposed sidewalk construction on the north side of King’s Highway in front of his business;
•Joyce Cunningham, with the Fort Frances Public Library Board, regarding the site selection for the proposed new library; and
•resident Melvin Haukaas regarding the replacement of curbing in town.
Other business at Monday night’s meeting will include:
•a bylaw to authorize the construction of certain new or replacement sidewalks;
•a bylaw to authorize the amendment to Subdivsion Agreement A61951 between Jim’s Construction of Fort Frances Ltd. and the Town of Fort Frances;
•a break-open ticket licence application from the Fort Frances Muskie Touchdown Booster Club from Aug. 1, 2005 to Jan. 31, 2006 at This N That;
•reports from the Police Services Board and Planning and Development executive committee regarding a request by Coun. Struchan Gilson to allow large commercial vehicles to access the international bridge from Church Street instead of being forced to go to the end of the line on those summer days when there are long line-ups;
•an insurance request from the “Fun in the Sun” committee; and
•a request from the Border Figure Skating Club regarding reduction of fees for use of facilities at the Memorial Sports Centre.
The council meeting will be preceded by the committee of the whole, which will meet downstairs in-camera from 5:30-5:45 p.m., then move upstairs to Council Chambers at 5:50 for the public portion.