Council to vote on interim levy


With work on the 2010 budget underway, council will vote tonight on a bylaw to institute an interim tax levy.
As in previous years, the interim levy is equal to about half of the total amount of taxes property owners paid in 2009.
Interim tax levies are a means to secure revenue to keep operating while council determines the final tax rates for 2010.
Implementing interim tax levies is common practice each January. It is permissible under the Municipal Act, 2001.
If the bylaw is passed tonight, interim tax bills will be sent out shortly.
Fifty percent of the levy will be due and payable by Feb. 26, with the balance due by March 31 (the last working day in that month).
As is normal procedure before the budget is completed, council also will vote tonight to amend a bylaw to authorize temporary borrowing as required until revenues are collected.
And just like last year, the agreement for 2010 is with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce to borrow sums not to exceed $4 million.
Tonight’s meeting is scheduled to start around 6:15 p.m. at the Civic Centre.
The committee of the whole will meet first in-camera starting at 5:30 p.m.
Other items on tonight’s agenda include:
•a report on board and committee terms;
•a request from the Fort Frances Curling Club regarding the Inter-Regional 1 & 2 senior playdowns which took place here Jan. 7-10;
•a request from the Northwestern Ontario Sports Hall of Fame and Museum;
•a membership request from the North Western Ontario Tourism Association (NWOTA);
•an Economic Development Advisory Committee funding request;
•a report regarding an adjustment to aviation fuel pump prices at the Fort Frances Airport;
•a report on doctor recruitment;
•a report on council remuneration;
•a break-open ticket licence application from La Verendrye General Hospital Auxiliary at Bonnie Blue from Jan. 15-July 14, 2010; and
•a list of conferences in 2010.