In response to a request made late last year by the local Economic Development Advisory Committee, Frank Binder of CN Public Affairs will make a presentation at tonight’s regular council meeting.
Back in November, the EDAC discussed issues involving CN, specifically increased train traffic and the potential for business opportunities within the town in support of this jump.
Following that, the town made a request to CN for a representative to make a presentation to council regarding train traffic, the reasons for the increase, and any resultant issues or impacts for the town.
Other business at tonight’s meeting, which gets underway at 7 p.m. at the Civic Centre, will include:
•a proposal to decommission the traffic control signals at the intersection of Mowat Avenue and Church Street;
•a report regarding a partnership with the J.W. Walker Environmental Club regarding rain barrels;
•a request for an over-height fence at 713 Thompson St.;
•a request for roadway repairs at 315 Butler Ave.;
•the 2008 BIA budget;
•a travel expense claim for CAO Mark McCaig;
•a per diem expense claim for Mayor Roy Avis;
•a verbal update regarding water restrictions related to the water tower project;
•a request from the Business Improvement Association’s board of management for support of its resolution passed May 21 regarding the declaration of a board vacancy;
•a request from the Arthritis Society to proclaim September, 2008 as “Arthritis Month” in the Town of Fort Frances;
•a request from C. Belluz regarding a potential property acquisition;
•a request from Sudbury Mine Mill and Smelter Workers’ Local 598/CAW for support of its resolution regarding harassment and violence in the workplace;
•a bylaw to amend the business licensing bylaw to provide for an increase in rates chargeable for taxi cabs used for hire within the Town of Fort Frances;
•a bylaw to approve a contract awarded to Norwec Company for water tower improvements (Tender 08-OF-01);
•a bylaw to approve an agreement with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) for financing of Phase II of the Heritage Tourism Project under the Rural Economic Development program;
•a bylaw to authorize the levying and collection in 2008 of a special charge of taxes upon the BIA; and
•a verbal report from McCaig and Mayor Avis regarding the Federation of Canadian Municipalities conference they attended May 30-June 2 in Quebec City.
The committee of the whole will first meet downstairs at the Civic Centre at 5:30 p.m., but be in-camera until about 6:30.