Council denied a request from the Fort Frances Lions Club for $30,000 in in-kind services to construct a new walkway at the Lion’s Millennium Park on the grounds the town has several other outstanding projects in 2007.
Back in early November, the Lions Club had requested the town consider having its workforce build roughly 287 metres of two metre-wide sidewalk at the park, with the club contributing the granular material and concrete.
But after consideration by the Operations and Facilities executive committee, it was recommended the town not donate the labour this year.
A report from Operations and Facilities manager Doug Brown explained the town already has “several outstanding projects for the Parks and Cemeteries workforce that have a higher priority.”
These include:
•brick work and landscaping at both cemeteries;
•replacing the protective surface material around existing playground equipment and structures;
•upgrades to outdoor rink facilities, such as levelling the ground and erecting boards;
•tree-trimming activities at Pither’s Point Park; and
•straightening out and replacing barrier posts at Pither’s Point Park.
The Public Works department also will be busy installing 11 sidewalk handicap ramps at intersections, as well as replacing several subsections of substandard sidewalks next summer.
The town will ask the Lion’s Club to consider resubmitting its request in 2008.
Also at Monday night’s meeting, council:
•awarded the tender for the supply, delivery, and installation of a new columbarium at Riverview Cemetery to Brunet Monuments Inc. in the amount of $55,361.82;
•approved an updated winter control operations policy prepared by transportation superintendent Milt Strachan;
•authorized changes to the council dress code policy, adding the wording “collared shirts and no jeans” under the section for committee of the whole and council meetings;
•agreed to a recommendation to approve the write-off of seven uncollectable accounts in the amount of $1,442.66;
•authorized the preparation of a bylaw to establish a credit agreement with the CIBC;
•authorized the preparation of a bylaw for temporary borrowing in the amount of $4 million to meet 2007 expenditures;
•denied a financial request from the “Coming Together for Kids Coalition,” but agreed to forward a letter to the group encouraging them to submit an application to the Moffat Family Fund;
•passed a motion to have a letter from the mayor sent to the local District Social Services Administration Board to request a meeting regarding building issues;
•passed a bylaw to approve the amendment of an agreement with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to provide funding through OSTAR Infrastructure Initiative for upgrades to the water treatment facility;
•passed a bylaw to approve an amendment with the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corp. for financing of upgrades to the municipal water treatment facility;
•passed a bylaw to approve an amending agreement with the local District Social Services Administration Board for child care services;
•passed a bylaw to authorize entering into an agreement with Gordon Cornell and Pat Clysdale-Cornell, in partnership as Cornell Farms, with respect to private use of town-owned land on airport property;
•passed a bylaw to form an agreement with the Ministry of Transportation for financing under the Dedicated Gas Tax Funds for Public Transportation Program;
•passed a bylaw to approve an agreement with the local District Social Services Administration Board for participation in a tiered response activation by Fort Frances Fire and Rescue Service;
•passed a bylaw to approve an agreement with the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services for the operation by the OPP of a central emergency reporting bureau;
•passed a bylaw to approve an agreement with Hilderman, Thomas, Frank and Cram for preparation of an active transportation plan; and
•passed a bylaw to approve an agreement with Hilderman, Thomas, Frank and Cram for architectural services for a heritage tourism project.