Due to the Christmas holidays, the next regular meeting of town council will be held this coming Monday (Dec. 17).
But council also agreed this past Monday night to change the dates of two of its meetings in 2008.
For instance, the Monday, Jan. 14 council meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday, Jan. 15 due to the municipal byelection.
As well, the Oct. 13 council meeting has been moved to Tuesday, Oct. 14 due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
In other news from Monday night’s meeting, council:
•approved a report of janitorial contracts in response to tender #07-CS-14 and authorized the clerk to prepare the necessary bylaws;
•authorized a schedule of municipal fees stating that marriage licences shall cost $100 ($75 base fee plus $25 administrative fee), certified true copies shall cost $5, and the fee for commissioning oaths and affidavits shall cost $10 ($15 for non-residents) for one signature/stamp/initial and $5 ($7.50 for non-residents) where more than one signature/stamp/initial is required;
•agreed to enter into a two-year agreement with Metro Waste Paper Recovery Inc., commencing on Nov. 1, 2007 and ending of Oct. 31, 2009, for recycling processing services;
•agreed to continue with the upgrades to the property at 533 Sixth St. W., where it will be converted to recycling transfer station by June 1, 2008;
•accepted the October, 2007 drinking water systems monthly summary report;
•authorized the purchase of 5,020 dozen flowers from Hammond Landscaping Ltd. at a cost of $11,646.40 (plus taxes);
•agreed to the recommendation of the Administration and Finance executive committee to approve the write-off of uncollectable accounts receivable in the amount of $6,938;
•agreed to the recommendation of the Administration and Finance executive committee to approve the AMO invoice for the OMERS support fund in the amount of $640.64;
•agreed to the recommendation of the Administration and Finance executive committee to approve the vacancy rebate for 2006 to AbitibiBowater in the amount of $30,698.57;
•approved a travel expense claim from Con. Sharon Tibbs in the amount of $69.30;
•approved a per diem claim from Coun. Rick Wiedenhoeft in the amount of $120; and
•approved travel and per diem expense claims for Mayor Roy Avis in the amount of $166.41.