Council denies reimbursement request


Town council approved a report Monday night to ensure that a letter from Gerald Hinrichs has been addressed and that his request for reimbursement of costs from June 25-28, 2011 for sanitary sewer maintenance be denied.
Also at Monday night’s meeting, council:
•selected Miller Group (Winnipeg) as a municipal special or hazardous waste service provider at an estimated cost of $16,000, and to schedule a household hazardous waste drop-off day for Saturday, Sept. 10 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.;
•selected Honeywell (Thunder Bay) to complete an energy audit for 13 town-owned facilities and buildings;
•agreed to issue a request for proposals for the provision of municipal insurance for a four-year term beginning Nov. 1, 2011, with annual renewal subject to acceptable renewal rates and service provision;
•received minutes of settlement requests for reconsideration for 521 Church St., 527 Church St., and 713 King’s Highway;
•agreed to process an amended property assessment notice for 319 Third St. W.;
•approved travel and per diem claims for Coun. Ken Perry in the amount of $102 (this was for attendance at a regional economic development committee meeting in Emo on July 14);
•referred a financial request from the Sunset Country Travel Association, re: the town’s annual per capita marketing contribution, to the Administration and Finance executive committee for its recommendation;
•referred a financial request from the Borderland Roller Derby League, re: advertising a derby bout in honour of “Rachel’s Challenge,” to the Administration and Finance executive committee for its recommendation;
•passed a bylaw to authorize the sale of municipal lands in the industrial park to K.J.’s Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Inc. (the town sold the property for $18,500, but is including incentives such as the installation of one sanitary sewer line up to eight inches in diameter, one two-inch water line, and one 20-foot culvert;
•passed a bylaw to approve an agreement with the minister of Public Works and Government Services, acting through the Canadian General Standards Board, for the accreditation of the Town of Fort Frances as an operating authority of a municipal drinking water system; and
•passed a bylaw to amend Traffic Control By-Law 10/03 to revise certain traffic control measures in the vicinity of Robert Moore School.