Council bullets


Town council referred a written request for a refund for charges for unplugging the sewer and performing a TV camera inspection at 1600 Colonization Rd. W. to the Operations and Facilities executive committee for its recommendation.
Also at Monday night’s meeting, council:
•agreed to support the Municipality of Bayham’s resolution passed July 7 re: escalating OPP service costs;
•referred a request from E. Haglund, re: property issues, to the Planning and Development executive committee for its recommendation;
•referred a request from D.J. and T.J. MacKintosh, re: unpaved portion of roadway between Victoria and Christie Avenues, to the Operations and Facilities executive committee for its recommendation;
•passed a bylaw to amend By-Law 06/06, as amended, to establish the retention period for documents and records of the Town of Fort Frances;
•passed a bylaw to acknowledge the exercise by SkyPower Ltd. of a right to extend an option term under an option agreement to purchase municipal lands;
•passed a bylaw to authorize a merchant agreement and wireless connectivity for payment processing services at the Fort Frances landfill;
•passed a bylaw to approve an agreement with Paul Heayn with respect to services as a meeting investigator; and
•passed a bylaw to designate 237 Eighth St. W. an area of site plan control, and to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with Wahkaihganun Futures Corp. as a condition of development.