Council asked to revisit sidewalk removal


After voting in favour of removing the sidewalk on the east side of Armit Avenue between Church and Front Street at its Sept. 12 meeting, town council will get a letter this evening from Dr. Cam Moorhouse asking it to reconsider the decision.
Dr. Moorhouse wrote that he owns a home at 202 Armit Ave., which he rents to the hospital for housing long-term medical students and short-term emergency room physicians, adding the home and property were upgraded extensively over the past year, including sidewalk renovations.
Dr. Moorhouse read in the Sept. 14 edition of the Times that the town proposed to remove the sidewalk, which he called “a pleasant, much-used walkway amongst tall trees approaching the river.”
He added he’d like to see a study that indicates the sidewalk is “under-used” compared to any other sidewalk in town.
“Please reconsider this. I do object,” wrote Dr. Moorhouse. “I wasn’t canvassed as a local homeowner for input, the removal will detract from the property’s utility and value, and will detract from the town’s attractiveness.
“I acknowledge the sidewalk is no doubt old and starting to heave,” he added.
“Repair when you’re able. I’d much rather live with some imperfect alignment and cracks for some years than have it removed.”
Since the matter previously was decided, council can vote to reconsider it. If the majority of council agrees to do so, the matter will be re-opened for discussion.
Tonight’s agenda also will include a public meeting regarding applications for tax adjustment at the following properties: 1107 Second St. E. (2011), 238 First St. E. (2011), and 1233 Idylwild Dr. (2011).
The meeting is scheduled to start at 7:15 p.m.
The committee of the whole will meet first at 5:30 p.m., but is scheduled to be in-camera until 6:50.
Other business on the agenda includes:
•a report re: community services vehicles;
•JEPP application to replace a rescue vehicle;
•a report re: Coun. Sharon Tibb’s request re: a Don Cherry display;
•a report re: a letter of support for a Fort Frances Aquanaut Swim Team Trillium application;
•a report re: an adjustment to aviation fuel pump prices at the Fort Frances Airport;
•a report re: 2012 Parks and Cemetery flowers;
•a report re: sidewalk snow removal priority as per the request of W. Lundstrom (809 Victoria Ave.);
•a request for financial support for “Meals on Wheels”;
•Minutes of Settlement for 858 Sixth St. W.;
•a Request for Proposal (RFP) for municipal insurance;
•travel and per diem claims for Mayor Roy Avis, and Couns. John Albanese, Andrew Hallikas, Ken Perry, Paul Ryan, and Rick Wiedenhoeft;
•an update on capital projects;
•a request from Parks Canada–Northern Ontario re: Fort St. Pierre National Historic Site Plaque;
•a bylaw to approve a lease renewal agreement with Melaire Ltd. at the Fort Frances Airport;
•a request from the City of Kenora for support of its resolution re: communication from the IJC and retention of Lake of the Woods co-ordinator position (MoE); and
•a notice of a public meeting to do with the proposed new Official Plan scheduled for Nov. 1.