If the signatures in the guest book are any indication, this year’s Community Christmas Dinner was another hit.
Held once again at Knox United Church, the dinner attracted at least 200 people between noon and 2 p.m. on Christmas Day, with another 60 “Meals on Wheels” delivered to shut-ins.
“As far as I’m concerned, [the dinner] went extremely well,” organizer Joan Pearson enthused this morning. “I’m sure more people signed the guest book than last year.”
Pearson said there were no lack of food donations or volunteers–something she was worried about just two weeks ago.
“Oh, golly, I can‘t even count the number of people who jumped in and helped,” she remarked.
“Something very interesting was that there were more men in the kitchen washing dishes and cleaning up,” she added. “And my gosh, they really worked hard!”
Pearson also gave kudos to Jackie and Gerry Guimond, who provided entertainment for the dinner. “They sang right through the entire dinner [and] that was very thrilling,” she noted.
Meanwhile, Pearson already has begun to compile a list of “do’s and don’ts” for next year’s dinner, with a choir and companions for the elderly some of the top ideas.
“Gabby Hanzuk said she would help create a choir with some of people from the Special Olympics–isn’t that a fabulous idea?” Pearson enthused.
“And I’d like to see some volunteers designated for the [very] elderly to sit with them while they’re eating,” she reasoned. “I think that would be a very nice touch.”