Co-op student on hand for drug bust

the OPP

This year, the Fort Frances OPP detachment took part in the co-op student experience through Fort Frances High School.
Through the local high school curriculum, we have two students who take the program over the year.
The first student began the program in the fall semester, and was afforded the opportunity to learn first-hand what it would be like to work as an OPP officer.
“The duties of a co-op student vary day-to-day and may include assisting with administration personal, going on patrol with road officers, or even helping officers in various specialty units like the Crime Unit,” noted Community Services Officer Cst. Anne McCoy.
“Various opportunities and experiences present themselves as the calls for service are received,” she said. “Some shifts may have investigations that lead to large amounts of follow-up and administrative duties while other days may consist of getting out on the highway, stopping vehicles, and dealing with the public.
“Most students enjoy the experience of vehicle stops and utilizing the emergency lights.”
Last Friday (Jan. 22) was our student’s final day of work at OPP co-op for this semester.
That day, our student learned first-hand how police officers literally can save lives; as well as demonstrate their knowledge and skills while maintaining their professionalism.
The occurrence happened while the officer and student were conducting a radar patrol in Halkirk Township east of Fort Frances.
They spotted a vehicle travelling at 156 km/h in a posted 90 km/h zone. As it passed the police vehicle, it slowed immediately, allowing for a safety vehicle stop.
When the officer approached the vehicle, an investigation ensued which resulted in the female driver being taken into custody for possession of a controlled substance.
Ashley Potson, 23, of Seine River First Nations was arrested and subsequently charged with two counts of possession of controlled substances, including marijuana and Oxycontin.
She also was been charged with two Highway Traffic Act offences, including speeding and stunt driving.
Her driver’s licence was seized under the Administrative Driver’s Licence Suspension and her vehicle was towed.
Potson is scheduled to appear in court here Feb. 26.