‘Citizen of Year’ to be named tomorrow

The nominee chosen to be 2007 “Citizen of the Year” will be announced at tomorrow night’s town council meeting.
The “Citizen of the Year” selection committee, consisting of Bill Gushulak (“Citizen of the Year” 2000), Mark Kowalchuk (“Citizen of the Year” 1994), Mayor Roy Avis, and Coun. Andrew Hallikas, met Thursday to review the seven nominations forms that were turned in by the Oct. 31 deadline.
“We had some excellent candidates, all of who were deserving of the award,” said Gushulak. “We had some well thought-out nominations, as well.
“Unfortunately, only one can be selected.
“I’m sure everyone will be quite pleased with our selection,” he added. “[The selection process] worked out well—everyone was in agreement with our choice.
“There was a good discussion.”
The chosen person will be put forward to council tomorrow evening, at which time they’ll likely approve it (the identities of the nominees will not be revealed; only the winner will be publicly announced).
The “Citizen of the Year” then will be formally honoured at the town’s annual appreciation banquet this coming Friday at La Place Rendez-Vous, and also likely will take part in the Santa Claus parade next Saturday (No. 24).
The “Citizen of the Year” award is being given out for the 20th time this year.
Anyone who has done an outstanding job for the community in any way is eligible for the award. The only stipulation is that they be a resident of the Town of Fort Frances and not presently hold elected office.
Gushulak noted the selection committee encourages people who nominated an individual that was not chosen this year to do so again in the future.