‘Citizen’ nominee deadline Oct. 31

Know someone who has contributed much of their time and effort to the community, and who you feel is deserving of the title “Citizen of the Year 2007?”
The town’s “Citizen of the Year” selection committee is asking the public to start thinking about individuals who have made a difference in our community and nominate them for the award, which is being given out for the 20th time this year.
Nomination forms are now available at the information desk at the Civic Centre. Letters requesting nominations also have been sent out to local service clubs and other organizations.
As of yesterday, quite a few nominations forms have been picked up while three already have been turned in.
Anyone who has done an outstanding job for the community in any way is eligible for the award. The only stipulation is that they be a resident of the Town of Fort Frances and not presently hold elected office.
The selection committee consists of Bill Gushulak (“Citizen of the Year 2000”) Mark Kowalchuk (“Citizen of the Year 1994”), Mayor Roy Avis, and Coun. Andrew Hallikas.
The committee encourages as many people as possible to nominate deserving individuals to give them plenty to choose from.
Completed nomination forms must be returned to the Civic Centre by 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 31. The selection committee then will meet later that week in order to make a recommendation to council in time for its Nov. 12 meeting.
The “Citizen of the Year” will be formally honoured at the town’s annual appreciation banquet on Friday, Nov. 16 at La Place Rendez-Vous, and also likely will take part in the Santa Claus and Canada Day parades.
The identities of the nominees will not be revealed. Only the winner will be publicly announced.
June Keddie was named “Citizen of the Year 2006” last November.