Christmas tree pick-up tomorrow

FORT FRANCES—If you haven’t done so already, be sure to get your Christmas tree out to the curb in time for the Fort Frances Fire Brigade’s annual pick-up on Saturday. (Jan. 13).
It will start around 4 p.m.—a little later in the day than past years in order to give residents more time to get those trees outside.
The tree pick-up—a tradition started here years ago by the now-defunct Jaycees—is not only a community service of sorts, but also a fire safety measure.
While members of the brigade actually do the pick-up, a number of local businesses lend trucks, trailers, and other equipment to make the transportation and destruction of the trees possible.
Most of the trees are shredded and taken to the local landfill. But in the past, some have been brought to the airport and Rusty Myers Flying Service to mark runways in the winter.
Residents are urged to make sure their Christmas trees are easily identifiable. If they are wrapped in plastic, for instance, make sure you rip part of the covering open so the tree inside can be seen.
In the case of any heavy snowfall between now and tomorrow afternoon, make sure the tree is at least partially visible in the snow bank.
Once again, residents who have their trees picked up are encouraged to give a donation to the fire department, either by giving it to firefighters doing the collecting, leaving it in your mail box, or dropping it off at the fire hall.
Proceeds will go to a local charitable cause, which in the past have included the Riverside Foundation for Health Care, the “Risk Watch” fire safety program, and the Fort Frances Volunteer Bureau’s community Christmas dinner.