‘Chem-free’ grad plans are well underway

Preparations for the “chem-free” graduation party for this year’s Fort Frances High School graduates are coming along nicely, said teacher Brian Gustafson, who sits on the grad committee.
Various parents’ committees are working hard on putting everything together, including food and drinks, events and entertainment, decorations, and sponsorship.
The arena has been booked, as well as a DJ and a number of inflatable toys.
Students will have the opportunity to play a variety of games, including eating ones, noted Gustafson.
As well, the OPP’s drunk driving simulator car will be on hand for students to try out.
The sponsorship committee currently is out soliciting donations and prizes for the event.
The group raised more than $400 at a barbecue fundraiser during Spring Fever Days in Emo earlier this month.
The next fundraiser will be a cake roulette at the Chamber of Commerce’s home and leisure show this weekend at the Memorial Sports Centre.
The roulette wheel will begin spinning around 4:30 p.m. on Friday and again at 10 a.m. on Saturday.
The “chem-free” tag day will be Saturday, May 14 at Wal-Mart.
The student committee currently is designing the grad T-shirts, and also are preparing for the second-annual grad brunch.
Last year, students held a brunch with pancakes, strawberries, whipped cream, sausage, and juice—all for $5 to raise money for the “chem-free” grad.
The brunch was held in place of the usual barbecue and was a great success.
This year’s “chem-free” grad party will be held June 23 after the graduation ceremonies.
The “chem-free” grad party gives graduating students a safe and sober environment where they can celebrate their accomplishments.