Cell tower completion delayed further

The completion of Norwest Mobility’s tower at Blackhawk has been pushed back to the end of the month, with Feb. 14 now the new target date for getting the Barwick and Rainy River cell sites up and running.
Completion of the Nestor Falls tower also has been pushed back, with Feb. 29 set as the new target date.
Kevin Burns, manager of marketing and sales for Thunder Bay Telephone, said the recent setback can be traced to scheduling conflicts by the microwave and tower contractors.
“These guys had other jobs scheduled for the month of January back in December,” he explained.
When the fatality of the tower worker in December caused the project to be delayed before Bell Canada’s “Y2K” embargo, it caused several things to go out of whack for this month.
“So, unfortunately, they have to establish priorities,” Burns said. “And that’s what they’ve done–they’ve given us the new schedule.”