Canada Day across the District


Cue the flags, fireworks and fun! Canada Day is just around the corner, with plenty to take in right across the District. Here’s a round-up of what’s happening on Saturday, so you can plan your day:


Festivities in Fort Frances are being organized by Beyak Automotive Group, in partnership with a variety of service clubs and businesses, with fireworks provided by the Town.

8-10 a.m. Pancake breakfast, upstairs of the Fort Frances Legion

Hosted by the Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary Branch #29

pancakes, sausage, juice, coffee or tea – $10. Children five and under – $3. Everyone welcome!

11 a.m. Canada Day Parade will take place on Front Street, from the Sorting Gap Marina to the hospital.

Noon-4 p.m. – Activities at Point Park.

Head down to Point Park for a variety of family friendly activities, like sand castle building, face painting, Sunset Watersports, bouncy castles, a petting zoo, bubbles, kite flying, rock painting and a treasure hunt.

Noon-4 p.m. Barbecue at Point Park

Join the West Rainy River District Lions Club for a barbecue at the Point!

Dusk – fireworks!

Fireworks are set to go, weather permitting, at the waterfront. Bring a blanket or chairs, and enjoy the show!


Canada Day is being co-hosted by Borderland Racing, RRVAS and the Township of Emo, with all events held at the Fairgrounds.

11 a.m. – 4 p.m. – Activities at the Fairgrounds

Stop by for a dunk tank, splash zone and water balloons, car show, bouncy castles, vendor market, food booths, scavenger hunt, face painting, first responder trucks, driver meet and greet, cotton candy and free cake!

4-5 p.m. Trick or treating in the race pits

Bring a bag and explore the pits for awesome treats, and to meet your favourite drivers!

6 p.m. Races

The cars will fire up for a fast and furious night of racing action! First Responders get free admission with ID badge. There will be a kids bike giveaway and a bike parade at intermission. Beer Gardens available, hosted by the Fort Frances Lakers.

Dusk – fireworks following the races!


Rainy River Rec has an afternoon of activities planned!

Noon-2 p.m. – Family Activities

Plenty of family fun will take place at Hannam Park. Bring your water blaster of choice for a Big Ol’ Water Fight. There will be kickball, balloon toss, three legged races, pillow sack races and more!

Dusk (10 p.m.) Fireworks! (weather permitting).


The township has a full day of fun planned.

Noon – Canada Day Parade followed by an Antique Car Show, hosted by the Iron Club

Afternoon – family activities

A baseball tournament, with teams from across the district. There will also be kids games, food booths and a beer garden.

7-10 p.m. – Old Time Country Dance

Kick up your heels at the Country Dance. Admission is $10, and includes a light meal.