The Fort Frances Kiwanis Club is holding a music BINGO fundraiser in October an event that should prove fun and entertaining.
McKenna Begin is the president of the Fort Frances Kiwanis Club she says the club is hoping to springboard off of the spring’s successful trivia night.
“The idea was that following a trivia night that was so successful, we wanted to plan another event that got people out and doing something social,” Begin said. “Because there’s not always stuff happening for adults. We’re hoping it will be something fun for the community.”
The event will be hosted upstairs at the Fort Frances Royal Canadian Legion with doors opening at 6:30 and games starting at 7 p.m. Entry is free but you will have to buy your BINGO cards.
The games will be played in rounds, with each round corresponding to a musical genre. Players will be played a clip of a song and have to mark it off on their BINGO cards. The catch is, you have to know the song to be able to mark it off on the card.
“You can kind of work in a little bit of a team if you wanted,” Begin said. “It is individual but if you have a group of friends and you want to kind of bounce things off each other to finger out what the song is, you can.”
If people are having a hard time they’ll play more of the song to help them out.
Cards will be $5 each to play while people can play as many cards as they like per genre.
Alcohol will also be available to purchase through the Legion.
“If you’re really good at Pop music or you’re good at Country or Rock or whatever then you might get more cards for that genre,” Begin said.
There will also be prizes for the different games local businesses are donating the prizes like Cloverleaf grocery, KB Ranch, and Betty’s among others.
Begin says the funds will go towards a few different service projects the Kiwanis Club has coming up.
“This is a big fundraiser for us and we have some really big projects coming up,” Begin said. “So I’m excited to get those going with the money this could provide us and provide a fun outlet for people in town.”