Breastfeeding in spotlight this week

the NHU

World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated annually from Oct. 1-7.
This year’s theme is “Breastfeeding Support: Stay Connected.”
During World Breastfeeding Week 2011, the Northwestern Health Unit is encouraging new mothers to stay connected through local support groups, parenting programs, and the social media.
They also will be expanding their message to include promotion for the family to “Stay Connected.”
This can include using baby carriers to keep their baby close, spending time together doing fun activities, and meal preparation and family meal times around the kitchen table.
Locally, the health unit partnered with the Best Start Hub, United Native Friendship Centre, and Sunset Country Métis to host a “Breastfeeding Challenge” and celebrate the launch of a local breastfeeding support group.
Kathy Loney, PHN and lactation consultant intern, is hoping this group will be able to provide breastfeeding information and support for mothers in an informal setting.
The partners are hoping they’ll have enough participants to start the new group by mid-November, with weekly meeting to be held at the Best Start Hub.
Women who are interested in the support group should contact Loney at health unit (274-9827) or Shawna McRitchie at the Best Start Hub (274-8588) to register.
For more information on breastfeeding support, contact “Healthy Babies, Healthy Children” toll-free at 1-800-465-4377 or