Board passes budget

The Rainy River District School Board has approved the 2008/09 balanced budget for $39,219,381.
The board was faced with the challenge of a six percent decline in elementary enrolment.
The board will draw from reserves $50,000 for multi-year commitment to the Aboriginal Achievement Leader Project.
The focus of the 2008/09 budget was on maintaining support at the classroom level in light of the declining enrolment.
“Laura Mills, superintendent of business, deserves enormous credit in working with staff to ensure student success is supported while balancing this budget,” Education Director Jack McMaster said.
The board is pleased with the grant funding enhancements for aboriginal students, school program enhancement, and the stabilized funding for special education needs.
Student achievement continues to be the goal of the Rainy River District School Board, and the new budget will allow it to continue to support existing programs such as full-day senior kindergarten, “Reading Recovery,” and speech and language.
“The trustees are extremely pleased with a balanced budget and the ability to support classroom efforts to improve student achievement,” board chair Dan Belluz noted.