As first reported in last Friday’s Daily Bulletin, the town will resume curbside “Blue Box” pick-ups on Monday (July 22).
“We will be conducting a trial period with Koochiching County Environmental Services Division for processing recyclables at their facility in International Falls,” said Pat Hickerson, the town’s manager of operations and facilities.
“This period will allow us to work towards a longer term agreement for the processing,” he added.
The plan, in conjunction with news the town has purchased a “Blue Box” truck from the now defunct Northwest Ontario Recycle Association, was first reported in last Thursday’s Daily Bulletin.
But the town is asking residents to strictly follow which materials are acceptable for pickup and which are not so the service will be more cost-effective.
Residents are asked to put paper products in a paper bag and place it in the “Blue Box.” These include paper bags, newspapers, office paper, magazines, and corrugated cardboard (trimmed to a maximum size of 14”x”24).
Unacceptable paper products include pop or beer boxes, cereal boxes, egg cartons, milk cartons, tissue paper/Kleenex, and disposable diapers.
Acceptable metal products include aluminum and steel cans. But residents are urged to ensure the cans are rinsed and any labels removed.
Unacceptable metal items include metal toys, aluminum foil, pie tins, jar lids, aerosol spray cans, and paint cans.
And only #1 and #2 plastic containers—such as water jugs and clear and green pop bottles—will be accepted. Residents again are asked to rinse these out first.
If you’re unsure of the plastic type, simply look at the base of the container for a number.
Unacceptable plastics include plastic bags/wraps, toys, styrofoam, packing materials, motor oil containers, shampoo/deodorant containers, dyed (coloured) plastic jar containers, and plastics #3-#6.
The collection schedule will continue as it has previously:
•Monday—north of Scott Street east of Portage Avenue;
•Tuesday—south of Scott Street east of Portage as well as north of the CN tracks west of Portage; and
•Wednesday—south of the CN tracks west of Portage.
The public will be notified if there are any unforeseen changes.
Blue boxes containing any non-acceptable material will be left at the curbside with a note attached, listing the reason why it wasn’t collected, noted Hickerson.
“With the co-operation of all involved, we can ensure a safe, efficient and successful recycling program,” he said.