‘Blue box’ changes effective Monday

After a two-week trial period with the new blue box recycling program, slight changes have been made to the pick-up schedule starting Monday.
On Mondays, all homes from the east side of Portage Avenue to the west side of Frenette Avenue and north side of Scott Street will be picked up.
Tuesdays, all homes on the east side of Frenette Avenue to the town limits and north side of Scott Street should have their blue boxes at the curb.
On Wednesdays, homes on the east side of Portage and south side of Scott Street as well as everything west of Portage Avenue and north of the CNR tracks will be picked up.
Thursdays, all homes on the west side of Portage Avenue and south side of CNR tracks will be picked up.
Residents are reminded to sort out paper carefully when putting it in the blue box.
Paper can either be put in a paper bag, or in a small cereal or pop box and put in the blue box or tied into a bundle with a light cotton string. Papers can also be piled loose at one end of the box.