Bass committee looking for volunteers

Although the sixth-annual Fort Frances Canadian Bass Championship is still more than four months away, the committee already is looking for volunteers–the veritable backbone of the event.
“We’re kicking into high gear now,” said Ray Engelbertink, director of media relations.
“You hear about 400 volunteers helping out last year. Well, when you look at the fact there’s 13 directors and how much there is to accomplish, all those volunteers are valuable,” he stressed.
“We certainly welcome everyone–we won’t turn anyone away.
“And if you’re even thinking about going on summer holidays, and yet still want to volunteer, make those plans now because the championship is happening July 27-29,” Engelbertink added.
The drive to start thinking seriously about this year’s FFCBC began when the board of directors–all volunteers themselves–was firmed up at a meeting last month.
“Now, each director has to start looking at their directorship and what’s needed by way of volunteers,” noted Engelbertink.
With Tom Drouillard, Dianna Engstrom, Rick Socholotuk, Midge McTaggart, and Forch Mauro all stepping down from the board after last year’s tourney, it’s meant some changes for 2000.
For instance, Tom Fry will be director of tournament services, Linda Plumridge will serve as director of angler services, Jodi Nastor will take over bar services, and Everett Freeman will become director of finance.
Meanwhile, Jim Hudson will come on board as director of computer services while Kirstan Bodnarchuk will head director of volunteer services.
McTaggart, Engstrom, Socholotuk, Mauro, and Drouillard, along with Lionel Robdert, now serve as advisors to the board.
Rebecca Spencer (who took over from John McTaggart last year) is staying on as chairperson, with Doug Cain to remain as director of marketing.
Rounding out the board are Sherry Kaun (entertainment), Bob Kitowski (site and facilities), and Robin Wright (fundraising).
Anyone interested in volunteering can call 274-0316 and leave a message. All calls will be returned, Engelbertink pledged.