The Fort Frances Royal Canadian Legion Branch 29 is set to hang banners of veterans along Front Street this fall.
Office manager Veronica Davis, who is heading up the project, says she’s hoping to have about a dozen banners put up.
“I think they need to be honoured and people need to remember,” she says. “In order to not repeat the past, you need to remember the past.”
In Davis’s case, it was the Canadians who liberated her family overseas.
“We feel strongly about that,” she says. “I wouldn’t be here, my kids wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Canadian soldiers having liberated the Netherlands.”
A couple of the banners will be in honour of her husband’s uncle and grandfather who served in both world wars respectively.
Davis says she was inspired by other towns like Brockville who had done something similar to honour their veterans.
The banner design includes a photo and name of the veteran, along with when they served, where they served (Army/Navy/Air Force), the Canadian and British flags, along with their squadron or unit.
Davis says the banners are sized at 30 by 60 inches. They are set to line Front St. from mid September until after Remembrance Day.
If you’d like to request a banner in honour of a family member or loved one, reach out to Davis at the Fort Frances Legion for more information.