After taking a short break over the summer, the building committee for the Fort Frances Public Library and Technology Centre met with project architect John Knox last Wednesday (Aug. 20) to take another look another look at the plans in anticipation of putting the project out to tender in January.
“We looked at each of the sections, and looked at the size of the section in relation to collection and program use and space for the patrons, and came to the conclusion that we’re pretty happy with this plan,” said library board chair Joyce Cunningham, adding the current floor plan, which already has been reduced from 17,000 sq. ft. to 13,770 sq. ft., will stay as it is.
“But what we also decided to do, and this is I think a very good idea, is ask the architect to do a feasibility about the implications of LEED and how it might or might not affect us,” she added.
Cunningham explained LEED (which stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a standard for measuring “green” buildings.
“You can establish a number of points for different things that you put into your building. We looked at it briefly before and thought, ‘We’re not going for LEED certification.’ But what we have done in our building is put some of those things into the plan anyway,” she added. “This time we thought we should look at it once more, get an expert to do a feasibility study and say, ‘Okay, you could do this also if you want and get a few more points,’ give us some indication of what the cost would be if we did go for certification, and also if it would enable us to apply for any more grants.”
LEED certification prerequisites and credits are organized into five categories:
•Sustainable sites
•Water efficiency
•Energy and atmosphere
•Materials and resources
•Indoor environmental quality
“We are interested in doing things that will affect the ongoing operational costs and savings money in terms of energy and efficiencies there, and we want to make sure we’ve looked at everything,” said Cunningham, adding the committee is continuing to look at any more grants they can apply for, and whether they have to produce documentation they are going for LEED certification or just using LEED standards in the design of the new library and technology centre, to qualify for those grants.
Cunningham said the feasibility study along with a new report compiled by the library building committee should be completed by late September.
Cunningham reiterated that the committee intends to proceed to tender in Jan. 2009, to enable construction to begin in early spring.
The floor plan for the library design presented to town council back in April currently is on display at the library.
Anyone with questions or comments about the design or the plans is encouraged to contact Cunningham at 274-9248.