April cancer campaign a go

Volunteers across the country will canvass door-to-door all this month to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society’s annual spring campaign.
Here in Rainy River District, about 240 volunteers–some new, and some who have been doing it for 35 years–will be out in full force. Their goal? To reach every household.
“We like to say that the cure for cancer can be right at your doorstep,” noted Todd Hamilton, communications chairman for the local Canadian Cancer Society unit.
Gordon Ross, who is co-chairing the annual fundraising drive with Janet Algie, said yesterday the goal for the local unit was to raise $67,000 over the year, which runs from October to October.
More than half of that ($36,000) comes from the door-to-door canvass in April.
“Without [the volunteers], we wouldn’t succeed at all,” Ross stressed, adding the rest of the money comes from the annual “Spirit of Christmas” auction and other donations.
All money collected goes to the Canadian Cancer Society. The local unit then sends in a budget for the services it will deliver in three areas–research, patient services, and health promotion.
But Hamilton noted the budget wasn’t capped. If the local unit went over in one area, an issue wasn’t made of it–the dollars just came in.
Since October, the local unit has helped 22 cancer patients in Rainy River District. Hamilton estimated they had spent about $12,000 so far to board out people travelling for treatment.
Anyone wishing to make a donation can send it to the Canadian Cancer Society, Fort Frances Unit, Box 44, Fort Frances, Ont., P9A 3M8. Tax receipts are available.