Press Release
Can-Help (a program sponsored by the Fort Frances branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association), Sunset Country Psychiatric Survivors, and the Mood Disorders Association of Ontario work closely together, offering peer support, advocacy, education, and outreach.
Assistance also is offered to set up self-help groups and family support education in the Kenora-Rainy River districts.
This unique partnership has brought consumer-survivors and family members together for the purpose of making effective changes within the mental health system.
On Sept. 19-20, the 11th-annual “Consumer and Family Conference, Care Closer to Home-Focusing on our Own” will be held at the Best Western in Dryden.
This conference is intended for people who have mental illness, family members, and loved ones of those who have mental illness.
The conference commences at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, beginning with opening ceremonies, followed by a day filled with presentations and workshops.
Laura Kokocinski, with the Northwest LHIN, is the keynote speaker from noon-1:30 p.m.
Her topic of discussion is “Healthier People . . . A Strong Health System . . . Our Future.”
Then on Saturday from 6:30-8 p.m., “Stand Up for Mental Health,” a special comedy event, will be open to the public.
The comedians have received training from David Granirer, founder of Stand Up for Mental Health, and have performed four times previously in area.
Granirer will act as emcee.
Tickets cost $10 each, and are available at the door prior to the show.
The Sunday offers “Aging at Home” (illustrating community programs available for older adults at home) and “Peer Support” (learning about the new peer support tool kit).
The Wellness Room will be open to conference participants all weekend. This popular room will include activities such as guided meditation, Reike, foot massage, reflexology, Natures Way Corner, and much more.
The conference will wrap up with an awards ceremony honouring individuals who have demonstrated courage and excellence throughout our district.
For further information or to register, contact Maria Coleman, Can-Help community liaison worker, toll-free at 1-866-872-0408 or via e-mail at