Airport to get shower, eye wash

To ensure the safety of its employees when dealing with substances such as airplane fuel, the Fort Frances Municipal Airport will be getting shower and eye wash facilities in the near future.
Council approved the $8,100 project as an unbudgeted expense at Monday night’s regular meeting here after a request from airport superintendent Bill Caul.
Caul said yesterday not only are the facilities necessary in case of an emergency, but it is something that must be done according to the revised federal Occupational Health and Safety Regulations which came into effect last year.
Ed Halvorsen and Pryde’s Plumbing and Heating will do the job, which involves the installation of drains to the septic system, a combination eye wash and shower station, hand sink, temperature control valve, and hot water heater.
Also in compliance with the federal regulations, protective clothing and lockers previously were purchased within the 2002 airport budget.
Also at Monday night’s meeting, council:
•approved a Fort Frances Municipal Airport hangar lot lease with 427112 Ontario Ltd. from May 15, 2002-May 14, 2006 for the sum of $1,444 per year;
•agreed to contribute $100 in support of the Confederation College Student Scholarship Golf Tournament coming up here June 7;
•approved the extension of the current contract with Carol Burell for the canteen operation at the Memorial Sports Centre, and authorized the clerk to prepare the necessary bylaw;
•authorized the attendance of Coun. Sharon Tibbs, as well as Fire Chief Steve Richardson and two firefighters, to the first-annual Northwestern Ontario Fire Safety Coalition Conference in Dryden on May 31-June 1;
•approved tender 02-OF-03 for grinding recycled asphalt to Superior 3-R Inc.;
•referred a letter from the Rainy River District School Board regarding an outstanding balance on town payments towards the Townshend Theatre to the Community Services executive committee for a recommendation;
•referred a request for financial support from the local Business Women’s Network re its fourth-annual Easter Seals charity fundraiser to the Administration and Finance executive committee for a recommendation;
•received the 2001 year-end report from Fort Frances Fire and Rescue;
•approved a request from the Kenora-Rainy River District Palliative Care Volunteer Program to proclaim May 6-12 as National Hospice Palliative Care Week in Fort Frances;
•referred a letter from Cheryl Gartley regarding residency requirements with respect to applicants for a municipal taxi licence to the Planning and Development executive committee;
•authorized proceeding with the OPP station renovations as recommended by the Administration and Finance executive committee (for an estimated cost of $10,700);
•approved Bylaws 38/96-S and -T, amending the Traffic Control Bylaw concerning town employee parking at the parking lots behind the Civic Centre and the lot across the street from it; and
•referred a request from the Sister Kennedy Centre to disregard calendar parking on Nelson Street on June 4-6 (the duration of the District 1A Senior Games) to both the Planning and Development and Community Services executive committees for a recommendation.