Additional walk-in clinic added for Fort Frances


A new walk-in clinic has been added in Fort Frances on Friday June 11; St. Frances School, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Who can attend?

1st dose – aged 12 or older

2nd dose – eligible in the following groups:

  • anyone born in 1951 or earlier (70+)
  • anyone who had their first dose on or before May 9
  • First Nations, Inuit and Metis people and their household members
  • those who live in a long-term care home or Elder care lodge
  • transplant recipients, dialysis patients, cancer patients on active treatment, and those taking anti-CD20 agent medications
  • high risk health care workers

At this time, those who had their first shot between April 19 and May 9 cannot book an appointment online and can only attend a walk-in for their 2nd dose.

Bring your health card, and be prepared for the weather, in case you need to wait outside.

Pfizer and Moderna can now be mixed for those needing their 2nd doses; if NWHU does not have supply of the brand they received the 1st time, they will get the other.