Lion’s Club planning ‘walk-a-thon’

The Emo Lion’s Club is planning its annual “walk-a-thon” for Saturday, May 11 beginning with registration at 9 a.m. at the curling rink.

The route once again will go from the curling rink to the checkpoint at Tom Judson’s gate and back. Refreshments will be available afterwards for the participants.

For every $50 raised in pledges, you will have the opportunity to enter your name in a draw for a bike donated by Tompkins Hardware.

Pledge sheets are available at various local businesses.

St. Patrick’s CWL will hold a tea, bake sale, and bazaar this Saturday (April 27) from 1-3 p.m. at the parish hall. There also will be a penny table featuring plants and religious items for sale.

Everyone is welcome to come out and enjoy an afternoon chatting with friends.

The Emo United Church Women (UCW) have scheduled their bake and plant sale for Friday, May 3 at the church hall. Cost is $2 per brown bag. Pie, coffee, and tea also will be available.

Everyone welcome.

Sea Cadets chairman Ann Edwards tells me the group will be having its annual inspection Tuesday, May 28 at Emo-La Vallee Community Centre. This gives the Cadets the chance to demonstrate to the public the life skills and drills they’ve learned.

The agenda also will include stories of trips Cadets had taken during the year.

In related news, the cadets ran a penny table during Spring Fever Days in Emo last weekend, with proceeds to go towards program activities.

Pam Cowlishaw and daughters, Kaitlyn and Kalleanne, visited with her parents, Irwin and Jeannie Morphet, during Spring Fever Days last weekend. The family returned to Cook, Mn. on Sunday afternoon.

Husband, David, could not make the trip because he had to work.

Evie Strachan, with her daughter and son-in-law, visited here with relatives over Spring Fever Days. Her son-in-law was in Fort Frances to attend an animal seminar.

We have a new co-ordinator at the Emo Toy Library in Joan McGibbon.

I understand the former co-ordinator, Josette Vargas, is working in the teacher’s aide program. Josette was with ETL for about six years before deciding to venture into other opportunities.

The Stratton Toy Library also has a new co-ordinator, whom I still have to meet.

Cribbage winners at the Emo Legion last Wednesday (April 17) were Darlyne Bruce and Jerry Allen (high), with consolations to Mervin Hyatt and Arron Hyatt.

Pat Hyatt won the door prize.

The Legion’s next Bingo is coming up Friday, April 26 (note the change in date). Doors open at 6 p.m.