The Rainy River Cattlemen’s Association is preparing for its annual meeting tonight (Jan. 20) at the Millennium Hall in Stratton beginning at 7 p.m.
The northern director from the Ontario Cattlemen’s Association will be attending.
Matt Bowman is from Temiskaming District and is a very good friend of mine. When I was in college in New Liskeard, he was working at the research station there. And then, of course, when I started full-time at the Emo station, we were colleagues.
He has since become a full-time farmer (lucky guy) but we have continued to stay in touch (his father was well-known grain farmer Graydon Bowman).
So I hope everyone will take time out of their hectic schedules to join us (we also will be electing some new directors!)
There is plenty of talk about the RRCA, so now is the time to join and find out what is really going on and help us take the right direction.
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Clayton Teeple, manager of the sales barn in Stratton, has chosen the sale dates for 2010. He has decided to start off with a new earlier sale on March 27 (since water could be an issue, cattle only will be received on the Friday).
The other dates are April 24, Sept. 4 (tentative), Oct. 2, and Oct. 30. Please mark these dates down now.
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Since calving season is fast approaching (or at least for some of us), I wanted to remind everyone that the RRCA is continuing to sell ear tags. The four-part tag includes the management tag and button as well as the RFID tag and button.
The tags are available in blue, green, white, yellow, red, purple, and pink. Orange also is available, but we are reserving this colour for our vaccination protocol calves.
All tags will bear the “Rainy River Raised” logo, and you can choose to have them stamped with a number or blank. Free age verification also is a part of our tag service.
If you are interested or have any questions, give me a call. The normal order time is roughly one week.
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The annual meeting of the Rainy River District 4-H Association also is fast approaching on Jan. 29. at 6 p.m. at the Stratton seniors’ centre.
Some changes are coming to 4-H Ontario once again. For instance, it looks like it will be mandatory to have a judging and communications event within each district in 2011.
I actually think this is great. The skills you acquire from these types of events are a huge asset as you grow and become a part of the big world.
They also are considering lowering the age limit to join 4-H to nine years old—something our local association always has been opposed to.
Of course, the annual awards night is its planning stages. This is a great night to recognize the youth in our community!
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If you see Allan Teeple in the near future, you can wish him “Happy Retirement.” Allan retired from the AbitibiBowater mill in Fort Frances on Dec. 31 and now is going to be a full-time farmer!
We wish you all the best, Allan, and I am envious of your full-time farmer status!
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Recently, I’ve had a few people call me or approach me about the need for high-speed Internet access in the rural areas.
My understanding is the infill areas have been put on hold for the time being and the best thing we can do is write our MP and MPP, so please take the time to do this.
I know. The frustrating thing is that they likely will ask that you send an e-mail, which can be very painful since dial-up is making you all angry!