Hang on to your bone!

Last week, I was lonely—even though I was surrounded by my immediate family and my extended family. And even though I was in one of my favorite places in the whole world—a log cabin at 10,000 feet in the Colorado Rockies, close to Pike’s Peak.
The down side was that my two best friends—Nina and Amber had to stay behind.
Although I missed them, I doubt they missed me very much because they spent the week at “doggie camp,” which they love.
If our beautiful white dog Phoebe had gone to “doggie camp,” I’m pretty sure she would have been expelled.
Phoebe, who had some companion training when she came to us, was extremely gentle with adults and especially with children.
But dogs were another story! She growled at little dogs and tried to pick fights with big dogs.
Fortunately, Amber and Nina love other dogs, and the highlight of camp is playtime.
Knowing my friends were so happy, made me happy. Yet, I had to do something to fill the void.
The perfect solution was reading a book I had bought for my daughter’s birthday. The title is “Be a Dog with a Bone: Always Go for Your Dreams” by Peggy McColl.
A New York Times Best Seller author, McColl has been writing motivational books for years. All of her books have intriguing titles, but “Be a Dog with a Bone” really caught my attention.
This small book (105 pages) has a cover picture of a homely, yet cute, English bulldog hanging on to a huge bone for dear life.
“Have you ever witnessed a dog with a bone?” McColl asks.
“No matter how hard you try to wrench it out of that pooch’s mouth, she won’t let go. As a matter of fact, the more you attempt to take the bone away, the deeper the dog will sink her teeth in.”
Like a dog, says McColl, if you have a goal you want to achieve “Grab hold of that bone and never let it go!”
The chapter titles speak for themselves.
“Wag your tail. Be happy and show appreciation.” Your dog wags his tail in excitement when you come home. Do you do the same when you see friends or family members?
“Be a little dog with a big-dog attitude. Your attitude is the little thing that makes a big difference.” Little dogs don’t realize that they’re little, so they attempt impossible things. And, amazingly, accomplish them.
“Bark for what you want. Don’t keep quiet about your needs and desires.” When Nina wants a treat, she barks a special bark reserved for that purpose. And I’m always delighted to oblige.
“Drool unto others as you would want drooled unto you. The most important lesson you can learn.” This chapter begins with a quote from Andy Rooney. “The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.” So be nice to everyone, not just to some, but to all.
Dogs have a lot to teach us about reaching our goals. So, like a dog with a bone, grab hold of your dream and never let it go.
Copyright 2009 Marie Snider
Marie Snider is an award-winning healthcare writer and syndicated columnist. Write Marie Snider at thisside60@aol.com or visit her website at www.visit-snider.com

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